Parlay Consignment Reseller Opportunities

Parlay offers select trading partners the unique opportunity to take advantage of our consignment selling scheme. Our consignment selling scheme enables the retailer to pass on to Claro NZ the responsibility of ensuring you start maximizing your store's commercial potential in some or all of the areas our products could fill.

Our consignment scheme is available now and is already being utilized by numerous successful traders.

Signing Up: Signing up is easy through our online e-contract. We then supply you with attractive display stands as required and all the products to start selling. Accounts, admin, and replenishments are both self-managed and through scheduled Claro NZ consignment representatives' visits to your store. all done through our online web portal for simplicity.

Making Money: With no upfront costs! It's a win-win! . Parlay is committed to our industry and those partaking in it. Our developed systems take away your risk while also lifting your selling opportunities and profits.

Want more information? Contact Tel: 079497730 EMAIL: Or chat now! (below right).